The case files of New York City's best police department!

Thursday 5 April 2012


The next day, the team is looking into the ‘Dirty Dozen,’ a list of people Vivien helped to put away, hoping to find someone who is out of prison and looking for revenge. The problem is that for most of these cases, it appears Vivien had exaggerated her part in them to make herself look better.

Detective Esposito then brings in a letter from Vivien herself marked the day she died. In the letter, she predicts her own death and mentions a man dressed in black, the numbers 7518, and a furious pounding sound. Beckett believes the killer faked the letter to throw them off, while Castle believes her psychic powers.

The team visit medical examiner Lanie who has finished doing an autopsy on the victim’s body. She puts the time of death between 5 and 7pm yesterday and cause of death as loss of blood and affixation. This rules out Albert as the possible killer.

Lanie also tells the team that the murder weapon (the ice pick) was brand new and that the victim tried calling someone on her cell before she died. The first numbers match her daughter’s number and are also the same numbers in her suicide note, which leads to a very excited Castle.

The murder weapon: A brand new ice pick
 Meanwhile, Detective Ryan has discovered one criminal Vivien helped put away that has just recently been released from prison. Vivien had a vision of him killing his wife. This man Steve Adams, is on parole and his ankle bracelet GPS puts him in Vivien’s office area around yesterday afternoon from 1:36 to 2:48, which is right before the victim was murdered.

After being questioned, Steve tells Beckett and Castle that he wanted to expose Vivien for the fraud she was. Apparently, she had seen him and his girlfriend at a bar with her own eyes but told the police it was a psychic vision, leading to his capture as people believed the lie she told about his wife’s murder. So the day of Vivien’s murder, Steve and his friend Cody Donnelly (who had seen Vivien at the bar that night) stopped outside the victim’s office, waiting to catch her on camera. Steve called her a fake, but Vivien managed to get into a cab and drive off.

Later, it is discovered Steve’s GPS puts him at his apartment at 5pm, which shows he could not have murdered her. This also means that Vivien lied to her daughter about staying in her office all afternoon as she took a cab just before 3pm, supposedly to meet the mysterious TJ.

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